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    tp 名稱 : 聖誕紅義賣,為憨兒帶來希望 tp 名稱 : 歡迎訂桌! 樸石屋養生合菜 tp 名稱 : 拉麺店老闆愛心款待,憨兒包場吃到飽 tp 名稱 : 空軍第六基勤大隊年前送暖 tp 名稱 : ~憨兒復建利器、挪威Redcord懸吊復健系統~ tp 名稱 : ~入秋進補最佳選擇,屏東伯大尼健走活地鶏~ tp 名稱 : ~Happy Thanksgiving! Ha en fin høsttakkefest!~ tp 名稱 : ~在菜畦間建立自信、在果園中尋得成就~ tp 名稱 : 2015年冬季院訊 tp 名稱 : ~感恩社會愛心回應,助憨兒遠離PM2.5~ tp 名稱 : 打造環境友善園區,與蜜蜂和平共榮 tp 名稱 : 聖誕節社區適應活動: 憨兒樂遊草衙道購物中心 tp 名稱 : 鍾爸爸愛心招待 tp 名稱 : 憨兒歡慶感恩節及聖誕點燈 tp 名稱 : 一日親人活動: 滿滿關懷溫暖憨兒心 tp 名稱 : 新鮮無毒菜蔬便利宅配 tp 名稱 : 瑟拉威藝廊咖啡,為憨兒打造溫馨團圓飯 tp 名稱 : 感謝王南琦老師初四號召友人前來參與一日親人活動 tp 名稱 : 善心陳老闆辦桌宴憨兒,年夜圍爐溫暖憨兒失依心 tp 名稱 : 憨兒牌雜貨店,俗俗賣,讓您的愛心足感心! tp 名稱 : 一日親人~警官鍾爸爸帶憨兒出遊 tp 名稱 : 熱心代書捐車,伴憨兒家族旅行 tp 名稱 : ~給失依憨兒的春節家族旅行:香港圓夢之旅~ tp 名稱 : ~失依憨兒不孤單,師生圍爐歡度除夕夜~ tp 名稱 : ~2017新收有機黑豆,更換新裝開放訂購中~ tp 名稱 : ~環境照護生活復健,豐富憨兒身心靈~ tp 名稱 : ~周末離島小旅行,紓解憨兒不安情緒~ tp 名稱 : ~憨兒農場新鮮直送,高雄主婦聯盟限時販售~ tp 名稱 : ~穗花棋盤腳,花香安撫憨兒心~ tp 名稱 : 金華代書熱心集資,捐贈工作療育用手推車 tp 名稱 : 迎接母親節,憨兒表現畫思親情 tp 名稱 : 傳愛咖啡 禮盒新選擇 tp 名稱 : 祝大家中秋節快樂!  tp 名稱 : 回娘家種玉米活動 tp 名稱 : 憨兒體驗原住民婚禮 tp 名稱 : ☆優等☆2017年屏東縣身心障礙機構評鑑 tp 名稱 : 德國羅曼雞新居落成 tp 名稱 : 老憨兒樂享南國暖陽 tp 名稱 : 熱情吉貝島民,喜迎思鄉憨兒 tp 名稱 : ~年度感恩節活動紀實 Thanksgiving at PCBH~ tp 名稱 : Oddwin專欄»蘇超生牧師夫婦:上帝的呼召 tp 名稱 : ~年末感恩 新年快樂~ tp 名稱 : ~聯合利華歲末送暖,捐贈憨兒清潔用品~ tp 名稱 : 同工親伴憨兒渡春節,療育動物安撫憨兒思家心 tp 名稱 : 傳承北歐萬浬渡海助弱精神,海豐鄉親農民視憨兒如己出 tp 名稱 : 呼朋引伴 捐車讓愛走動 tp 名稱 : 工作療育安穩憨兒心 tp 名稱 : ~迎初夏,嚐鮮筍肯定憨兒工作成果!~ tp 名稱 : ~維他命C三十倍☆台湾香檬☆シークヮーサー収穫まつり~ tp 名稱 : 感謝有您! 年夜飯有總鋪師 現煮ㄝ辦桌 tp 名稱 : ~清淨海國際生技慷慨贊助環保天然清潔用品,支持伯大尼永續無毒生態院區~ tp 名稱 : 美國台僑林典謨伉儷 蒙福分享的台灣人 tp 名稱 : ~花旗全球志工日,力助行銷希望菜~ tp 名稱 : ~院長的話~讓憨兒過一個一般人的生活 tp 名稱 : 憨兒園藝療育成果展現~台灣原生種穀物:台灣紅藜~ tp 名稱 : 美籍Jake Hemingway單車環島,送暖屏東伯大尼 tp 名稱 : ~2015年父親節融合活動:父愛扶兒上馬趣~ tp 名稱 : ~熱心警官無償供田認養 伯大尼憨兒歡慶豐收~ tp 名稱 : 敬謝二手愛心物資 目前暫停接收 tp 名稱 : ~野植紅豆,溫暖上市~ tp 名稱 : ~憨兒喜迎墾丁山羊~ tp 名稱 : ~農場樂活讓憨兒活出生命價值,帶給憨兒希望~ tp 名稱 : ~匠豐精密金屬慨捐福祉車,輪椅憨兒外出不再難行~ tp 名稱 : ~陸上行舟慶端午,憨兒樂享划舟趣~ tp 名稱 : ~環保電動搬運車,農場憨兒的新好幫手~ tp 名稱 : 教養的反省 tp 名稱 : 畜牧憨兒喜迎新貨車 tp 名稱 : 曬蘿蔔乾囉! tp 名稱 : 重度憨兒農場療育 tp 名稱 : 憨兒喜迎小黃牛誕生 tp 名稱 : 希望菜籃-無毒鮮蔬供貨中 tp 名稱 : 感謝愛心捐贈潮帽 tp 名稱 : 楊姐姐回來了!這次要帶大家提前過聖誕節 tp 名稱 : 作伙來支持憨兒希望菜籃 tp 名稱 : 愛心拉麺店老闆 憨兒包場拉麺趴 tp 名稱 : 溫暖老闆娘 溫暖火鍋 溫暖憨兒心 tp 名稱 : 感謝熱情捐贈 停收二手衣物 tp 名稱 : 新春限定禮盒 助失依憨兒買新衣換新鞋 tp 名稱 : 主婦聯盟許前總經理蒞訪 用心推薦憨兒農畜產品 tp 名稱 : いずみ鯛口感佳 屏東伯大尼也有 tp 名稱 : 守護憨兒與憨兒共同成長的教養團隊急需您的加入!!! tp 名稱 : 多元化作物栽培 豐富憨兒農藝療育 tp 名稱 : 再次歡迎天使志工團前來關懷憨兒 tp 名稱 : 憨兒喜迎梅花鹿 tp 名稱 : 別錯過無毒菜蔬冷藏宅配到府 tp 名稱 : 放養土雞樹上築窩 tp 名稱 : 無毒鮮桑椹開放訂購囉 tp 名稱 : 憨兒體驗背負十架行苦路 tp 名稱 : 感謝金華代書號召支持憨兒工作成果 tp 名稱 : 憨兒教養不能停,憨兒遠距學樂器 tp 名稱 : 荔枝園照顧手札 tp 名稱 : 想吃無毒地瓜葉嗎? tp 名稱 : 石斛蘭掛樹枝 雞群上樹梢 tp 名稱 : 防疫演練,綠竹筍出荷 tp 名稱 : 老舊機車、洗衣機汰換募款 tp 名稱 : 協荔枝持教養 tp 名稱 : 師生雨中趕收破布子 tp 名稱 : 憨兒外出禮拜融合樂啖美食 tp 名稱 : 公告: 請慎防詐騙 tp 名稱 : 8/10結束【捐款回饋】捐款3000元回饋酪梨禮盒(五斤裝) tp 名稱 : 感謝寶島聯播網大千電台 同島一命 寶島同心連線到的是屏東伯大尼之家 tp 名稱 : 感謝聯米文化基金會捐贈米糧米糠

    🎄✨Christmas Social adaptation activities: A day trip to Taroko Park Shopping Centre 聖誕節社區適應活動: 憨兒樂遊草衙道購物中心 在聖誕節慶祝期間,老師們特別安排憨兒分批前往高雄市的購物中心,由各班老師教導憨兒搭乘大眾運輸前往,在購物中心精美的聖誕裝飾中,師生同樂感受佳節氣氛,亦暢懷於遊樂區,並讓憨兒在美食街選擇喜歡的餐點,開懷全都寫在臉上。讓憨兒融入社會,也讓社會接納憨兒,是我們致力於社區適應活動的努力方向。 憨兒與我們身邊的孩子無異,雖然因智能的受限,但仍會期待節慶,期待與家人外出遊玩,在屏東伯大尼之家,老師們就是憨兒的親人。當然,我們無法取代憨兒的親人,更有很多不足、不完美的地方,但我們希望能藉著佳節出遊,讓憨兒也能與一般孩子般,感受與家人佳節出遊的喜悅。 屏東伯大尼之家提供全年齡層的智能障礙教養服務,不管年幼、年邁、失依失怙的憨兒都是需要特殊的教養服務,目前我們教養146名9-52歲的輕至極重度的憨兒,純真如稚子的憨兒,每一位都是台灣的天使,更是我們教養團隊疼惜的寶貝。 年末了,感謝台灣國內外朋友一年來的支持與鼓勵,因為有大家,我們的憨兒教養服務得以延續! 聖誕快樂、新年快樂!

    屏東伯大尼之家 Pingtung Christian Bethany Home 發佈於 2017年12月27日 星期三
    1、日本蛋茄 (引進栽培可以生食的日本茄種,糖度約9~10度)...
    2、日本長蔥 (日本栽培法,蔥白特長喔!)
    – As a young bachelor the urge to tell others about God, drove me to obtain leaflets, and I wrote to Christian publishing houses and made agreements to sell their books, Arnulf describes from his beginning. – I started to go from door to door as a bookseller and talked to people about God.
    What I earned from book sales covered travel and living expenses.
    In this way Arnulf came to the place called Lofoten.
    在旅程中,蘇超生牧師來到羅弗敦群島(Lofoten islands,位於挪威北部北極圈內)。
    For the first time in his life he met with the Pentecostal revival.
    He faced rumors about those “crazy Pentecostals”.
    As a bookseller he was also invited inside Pentecostal homes and heard their version.
    Curiosity was piqued and he joined their meetings.
    He was overwhelmed by the power and anointing in the ministry.
    And when baptism was preached, he joined five others and got baptized in the ice-cold sea water.
    The stay in Lofoten was the start of a lifelong mission in the Lord's service.
    A woman from his home town with well-paid work in Oslo, offered to help Arnulf financially for him to go the Pentecostal Bible school in Stockholm, Sweden.
    一位居住在蘇超生牧師的故鄉,奧斯陸(Oslo,挪威首都)享有優渥待遇的女士,支助他前往斯德哥爾摩(Stockholm, 瑞典首都)就讀聖經學校。
    There he received thorough Bible teaching. In Sweden, Arnulf also was filled with the Holy Spirit.
    Back in Norway, he traveled as an evangelist.
    While he had meetings in Mid-Norway, he was accommodated in the home of China-missionary Jon Narbuvoll.
    當他在挪威中部參加一個聚會時,留宿於一位曾在中國傳教的宣教師-約翰拿布沃家中(Jon Narbuvoll).
    A few years earlier Mr. Narbuvoll had died in China.
    His last letter with greetings to his family was framed and hung on the wall. It said: "I am dying and going home to Jesus. May God call a new missionary to take over my empty place.
    - This touched my heart and I answered the Lords calling; "Yes, Jesus!”
    Later the same fall, Arnulf came to Oslo to attend Reverend Thomas. B. Barratt’s Bible school in Oslo.
    之後,蘇超生牧師便前往奧斯陸就讀湯瑪士.巴瑞特牧師所創辦的聖經學校。(Thomas Ball Barratt 1862-1940,英國出生的挪威籍牧師)
    A young girls’calling 一個少女的呼召
    For young girls, it was not easy to find paid work. Further education was not expressible.
    For young maidens, housework and childcare was the common work.
    - When I was 16 I was allowed to go to the Stavanger, a nearby city, "to serve", as we said. I was a maid for the pastor’s family, says Berly.
    - Berly回憶起:當我16歲時,我被允許前往鄰近的城市,斯塔萬格(Stavanger, 挪威第三大城市),當時的說法是「去服務」。我受雇成為一個牧師家庭的幫傭。
    Later she learned to sew and traveled around on the farms making and repairing clothes.
    It was a time of revival in Stavanger and Berly loved attending the meetings.
    She was eager to get experience in the church work. Her elder sister Ingeborg was already an evangelist and missionary candidate.
    One time Berly was home when a preacher was visiting them.
    He asked if she also would begin to travel with the gospel.
    Her father looked at the preacher and replied:- Joseph is gone. Will they now take Benjamin also?
    It was hard for Blacksmith to let his daughters go.
    Berly was however afraid that her longing to travel with the gospel was due to her own wanderlust and search for adventure.
    - God, if this is your calling, me please give me a visible proof that you will support me.
    - 神啊,如果這是出於你的呼召,請給我一個看到你會支持我的的應證。
    Please provide me with five Krone (approximately 1 US$) from an unexpected source, she prayed.
    Five Krone was not a small amount as it might sound.
    Berly would use it to buy a lady purse for her Bible.
    God saw Berly’s heart.
    He knew it was not adventurousness or in defiance she asked for money, but to be sure of the Lord’s will.
    Shortly after, she received a registered mail. It was the first time Berly ever got a registered letter. Was this answer to her prayers?
    - I was so excited and had to stop by the post office the very next morning before work, she articulates. –
    - 我當時非常興奮,趕著在隔日早上上班前去郵局領取信件–
    What a surprise awaited me!
    In the envelope was not only five Krone, but a nice, red note - 100 Crowns - and a letter from the sender, expressing she could not get peace until she had sent me the money.
    It was enough for a Bible purse, Bible dictionary and several other necessary things when traveling.
    After this incident Berly told openly about her calling.
    Shortly after she was traveling as an evangelist.
    That fall she went to Oslo to attend the Pentecostal Bible school.
    The Bible school in Oslo
    In Oslo, the evangelist Berly Aarre accommodated with the family Pedersen.
    They often had visiting evangelists living with them.
    In this house Berly for the first time met the man with whom she was going to share her life.
    This is how she describes the first time they met:
    - Early in the morning, one of the first days of Bible school, there was a knocking on the door at Pedersen’s.
    - 在聖經學校剛開課的一天清晨,有人敲培德森住處的前門。
    I did my morning routine, combing my hair.
    Before anyone answered, "Please enter", the door opened and a man in coat and hat walked in.
    He had a Bible bag and a guitar under his arm.
    As he stepped in, he bumped his guitar in the doorframe.
    Pedersen greeted the man and presented him as the evangelist Arnulf Knutsen, and spoke well about him.
    He had come to Oslo to attend Bible school and since he previously had stayed at Pedersen’s, he thought he would stay here again.
    Arnulf started singing duet.
    This sounded good and since both were missionary candidates for China, they were asked to speak in prayer meetings and other meetings during the Bible school.
    When school was over, they kept in touch by writing letters.
    Later they met again at Elim Bible School in London, where they learned English.
    It was when leaving for England that Arnulf changed its sir-name from Knutsen to Solvoll.
    Next time I will write about their exciting travel and stay in China during World War II.
    Oddwin Solvoll 
    Aug 2016 in Norway
    敬謝二手愛心物資 目前暫停接收
    屏東伯大尼之家全體教養團隊 僅代表150名憨兒 感謝台灣社會各界的愛心與關懷 更感謝您的支持與諒解。謝謝 平安喜樂

     產 品 名 稱 : 敬謝二手愛心物資 目前暫停接收
    $ 未定  
    屏東伯大尼之家全體教養團隊 僅代表150名憨兒 感謝台灣社會各界的愛心與關懷 更感謝您的支持與諒解。謝謝 平安喜樂