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    💝🥕🥦🥒🌽Veggie Basket-Harvest of Hope 希望菜籃-無毒鮮蔬供貨中 08-7367264轉財務室 人間衛視報導 https://goo.gl/gGEJGv Our high quality pesticide-free veggies all farmed and harvested by residents with Intellectual disabilities, 我們高品質的無毒菜蔬皆由智能障礙的👩‍🌾憨兒👨‍🌾耕作及收成, so you can shop for your family or gift for your friends while supporting the PCBH residents’ hard working! 您可以藉由購買希望菜籃犒賞家人或致贈親友,來支持屏東伯大尼之家憨兒的辛勤工作成果。 PCBH’s Veggie Baskets-Harvest of Hope include a large family size box or a small couple-sized box. 我們的希望菜籃提供多人家庭尺寸的大菜籃,或是供雙人小家庭的小菜籃。 Both of which are loaded with 6-8 variety of seasonal pesticide free and Chemical fertiliser free vegetables, 大小菜籃皆包含6-8種無農藥化肥的無毒當季鮮蔬. 憨兒農場無毒菜蔬,台灣全國冷藏宅配,來電08-7367264轉財務室或網購 長購預付優惠: https://goo.gl/TjxYRu 希望菜大籃(約6台斤): https://goo.gl/83r64B 希望菜小籃(約3台斤半): https://goo.gl/PJc24x The soil is the heart of the farm and we work hard to build the high quality soil all the time. 土壤是農場的核心,我們持續努力維持高品質的土壤。 PCBH therapy farm use goat manure and food waste to make large quantities of organic compost. 屏東伯大尼之家憨兒療育農場以羊肥及廚餘生產大量的有機推肥。 All soil and farming methods are supervised and supported by our volunteer farming specialist and full-time educators with agriculture background. 土壤維持及耕作方式除由農業專家義務指導外,也以具農業背景的全職教保員來支持憨兒的農場工作。

     產 品 名 稱 : 希望菜籃-無毒鮮蔬供貨中
    $ 未定  
    💝🥕🥦🥒🌽Veggie Basket-Harvest of Hope 希望菜籃-無毒鮮蔬供貨中 08-7367264轉財務室 人間衛視報導 https://goo.gl/gGEJGv Our high quality pesticide-free veggies all farmed and harvested by residents with Intellectual disabilities, 我們高品質的無毒菜蔬皆由智能障礙的👩‍🌾憨兒👨‍🌾耕作及收成, so you can shop for your family or gift for your friends while supporting the PCBH residents’ hard working! 您可以藉由購買希望菜籃犒賞家人或致贈親友,來支持屏東伯大尼之家憨兒的辛勤工作成果。 PCBH’s Veggie Baskets-Harvest of Hope include a large family size box or a small couple-sized box. 我們的希望菜籃提供多人家庭尺寸的大菜籃,或是供雙人小家庭的小菜籃。 Both of which are loaded with 6-8 variety of seasonal pesticide free and Chemical fertiliser free vegetables, 大小菜籃皆包含6-8種無農藥化肥的無毒當季鮮蔬. 憨兒農場無毒菜蔬,台灣全國冷藏宅配,來電08-7367264轉財務室或網購 長購預付優惠: https://goo.gl/TjxYRu 希望菜大籃(約6台斤): https://goo.gl/83r64B 希望菜小籃(約3台斤半): https://goo.gl/PJc24x The soil is the heart of the farm and we work hard to build the high quality soil all the time. 土壤是農場的核心,我們持續努力維持高品質的土壤。 PCBH therapy farm use goat manure and food waste to make large quantities of organic compost. 屏東伯大尼之家憨兒療育農場以羊肥及廚餘生產大量的有機推肥。 All soil and farming methods are supervised and supported by our volunteer farming specialist and full-time educators with agriculture background. 土壤維持及耕作方式除由農業專家義務指導外,也以具農業背景的全職教保員來支持憨兒的農場工作。